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1. Huangpu District Shipyard

Guangzhou CSSC Longxue Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.; Guangzhou Guangzhou Shipbuilding International Co., Ltd.; Guangzhou CSSC Huangpu Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.; Guangzhou Wenchong Shipyard Co., Ltd.; Guangzhou COSCO Ship Engineering Co., Ltd.; Guangzhou CSSC Yuanhang Wenchong Ship Engineering Co., Ltd. China Shipping Industry Co., Ltd. Cheng'anwei Shipyard China Shipping Industry Co., Ltd. Pineapple Temple Shipyard CCCC Guangzhou Waterway Bureau Co., Ltd. Shipyard Zhongxing Marine and Land Engineering Co., Ltd. Company Guangzhou Xingang Shipbuilding Engineering Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Panyu Lingshan Shipyard Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Shipyard Co., Ltd. Guangzhou South China Shipbuilding and Repairing Plant

2. The detailed address of Huangpu Shipyard

Jiangnan Shipyard is located at CSSC Jiangnan Changxing Shipbuilding Base. CSSC Jiangnan Changxing Shipbuilding Base is located on Changxing Island at the mouth of the Yangtze River. It covers an area of ​​approximately 5.8 million square meters and has a shoreline length of approximately 3,800 meters. The main construction content includes four large docks and 17 outfitting docks. The planning outline is for civil ships. With a shipbuilding capacity of 4.5 million tons, it is the largest modern shipbuilding base in China with the most advanced facilities and the widest range of production varieties.

3. Huangpu Offshore Engineering Huangpu Shipbuilding

It is a good choice to go to a shipyard after graduating from a bachelor's degree, especially a state-owned shipyard.

You must first have two or three years of work experience and have a general understanding of the industry before considering your future development prospects. You can choose the offshore engineering direction or change your job to ship inspection, civil service examination and other development directions, but most of them go to People in the shipyard stayed in the shipyard after getting married, and many people worked in the same shipyard for their entire lives.

4. In which district is Guangzhou Huangpu Shipyard located?

The factory has a history of more than 100 years. After liberation, large-scale expansion and renovation projects were carried out according to the layout of a modern shipyard. There is now the largest steel structure hull assembly workshop in South China with a length of 428 meters, a width of 33×2 meters, and a span of 42 meters, and is equipped with a crane. The wages in the shipbuilding industry at Guangzhou Huangpu Shipyard are pretty good. After all, there are very few people learning shipbuilding. Good luck

5. The full name of Huangpu Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.

433 is Guangzhou Guangzhou Shipbuilding International Co., Ltd., also known as Guangzhou Shipyard, which is affiliated to China State Shipbuilding Corporation and is the world’s largest semi-submersible. Boat manufacturer, registered address is Xuedao, Nanshalon, Guangzhou. All its subsidiaries include Wenchong Shipyard. It is not the same company as CSSC Huangpu Wenchong Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. in the same city.

6. The full name of Huangpu Shipyard

I can only say that you know too much. Whether it will happen or not is difficult to say until this official document is released. However, based on the development of Huangpu and high-speed rail, the possibility is very high, especially The tonnage of Huangpu Jiangkou is no longer sufficient. With the development of urbanization, it will inevitably be streamlined, so I believe it will be merged.





4。广州造船厂:广州造船厂(简称广州造船厂)成立于1954年8月1日。1971年4月28日,第一艘南海051型军舰建成下水。 1972年11月和1973年1月,“051”1型舰在广州珠江口和湛江南海航行10次,总航程2831海里,并进行了各项项目试验。 1974年6月30日,“051”1型舰(舷号160)在广州造船厂正式竣工,交付海军南海舰队服役。到1987年,广州造船厂共建造了5艘“051”驱逐舰。 “051”导弹驱逐舰的制造,标志着广州船舶工业技术和国防工业已达到现代先进科技生产水平。


中船黄埔文冲船厂的发展前景非常好。中船黄埔文冲造船有限公司位于广州市黄埔区,毗邻黄埔港。占地70万平方米,拥有1500多米的码头岸线。拥有2.5万吨级泊位1个,2.5万吨级、7万吨级和15万吨级船厂各1个,具备建造5600TEU以下支线集装箱船、7万吨级以下船舶的能力。还具备各种大型金属结构件、机电成套设备制造、安装能力。主要产品为1700TEU浅吃水集装箱。 、2200TEU集装箱船、2500TEU集装箱船、各型大中型挖泥船等。中船黄埔文冲造船有限公司是中国船舶工业集团公司所属大型造船企业。由原广州中船黄埔造船有限公司和广州文冲造船有限公司组成,是华南地区军用船舶、特种工程船舶、船舶制造企业。是海洋工程主要建造基地,是目前国内规模最大、实力最强的疏浚工程船、支线集装箱船生产基地。中船黄埔文冲造船有限公司目前拥有三个工厂。其中,常州工厂位于广州东南部的长洲岛,毗邻广州大学城和举世闻名的黄埔军校。占地面积近70万平方米,海岸线长3000米,码头900米,配备3万吨级船舶。拥有雄厚的建造能力,主要产品包括军用船舶、各类公务船舶、海上救助船、平台补给船等。






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