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1. Arsla, S., Lee, H., u0026 Kim, S. (2020). A deep learig approach for auoomous drivig i urba eviromes. Joural of Iellige u0026 Roboic Sysems, 105(3-4), 755-77


2. Al-Fuqaha, A., Gua, M., Pail, S. D., Ammar, J., u0026 Mehdi, I. (2018). Deep learig for auoomous drivig: A survey. IEEE Trasacios o Iellige Trasporaio Sysems, 20(6), 1360-138


3. Zhou, X., Guo, Y., Zhag, L., Su, Q., u0026 ieo, J. (2019). Lae deecio ad rackig based o deep learig for auoomous drivig. Compuer Visio ad Image Udersadig, 187, 70-8


4. Goldfai, A. L., Higgis, M. D., u0026 ebo, E. (2019). Usig deep learig o ehace vehicle percepio for auoomous drivig. arXiv prepri arXiv:190



5. Kim, T., Choi, J., u0026 Lee, S. (2019). A deep learig-based approach for auoomous drivig i complex urba eviromes. Joural of Iellige u0026 Coeced Vehicles, 3(2), 149-16


6. Rai, A., Padya, R., u0026 Ravidra, B. (2018). Deep learig for visual udersadig i auoomous drivig: A survey. IEEE Trasacios o Iellige Vehicles, 3(2), 85-9


7. Qia, B., Fag, H., u0026 Zhao, Y. (2019). Ed-o-ed deep learig for auoomous drivig: Sae-of-he-ar ad ew challeges. Compuer Visio ad Image Udersadig, 187, 37-51.

8. Geiger, A., Lez, P., u0026 Urasu, R. (2012). Visio mees roboics: The KITTI daase. The Ieraioal Joural of Roboics Research, 31(3), 598-61


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